Separate yourself from the pack by having a great attitude every day! While others complain and go through the motions, you can gain a competitive advantage by staying mentally strong. Give 100% and do it with a smile. Work hard even on the simple things, because though they may not matter a great deal to you, they might be life changing for someone else. Each of us has been given immeasurable gifts and they are all around us. Some are in clear sight, and some we may not even realize exist. Share the talents you have with others and give them some inspiration. Everyone needs someone in their life to help give them confidence, passion, and guidance. You can be this person! 

Be where your feet are and enjoy the moment. Focus on what you can control. Think positive and remember to always have fun. Live a healthy lifestyle and work towards your goals. Love others and have a purpose in life. Try to focus on future possibilities and not past mistakes. Take responsibility and have accountability. When we truly accept, choose, and take responsibility for our thoughts and actions, our commitment to them rises. The best way to develop and maintain the ideal state of mind for performance is to build awareness and responsibility. Our true potential lies in realizing of our own uniqueness, so never mold to another's opinion. Trust your inner guidance, and hear and obey that small, still inner voice.

Life can be hard but remember that no matter what you’re going through you’re not alone! Don't be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help is something that everyone struggles with and we routinely underestimate others willingness to help. But the truth is that people actually help one another more often than you might think. In fact, one global Gallup survey found that 3/4 Americans helped a stranger in need within the month. Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. It takes courage. No one person can do everything on their own but everyone can do something! Rise up and help someone else. Think about all the little things that you can do to help brighten someone else's world. Offer a small gift to someone who might need it, whether physical or emotional. You may not think it is much but it could mean the world to someone else! 
"I had the opportunity to learn directly from Malcolm as a strength and conditioning intern. With this experience, I saw firsthand his passion to help athletes achieve their goals, his commitment to excellence, and his unique ability to connect with those around him. These attributes are why Malcolm is an amazing strength coach and a better friend. I truly enjoyed working with him and I learned a lot from him."
- Ketul Shah, DPT
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